On April 21st, SHNU President Yuan Wen met Davide Atchoarena, Director of UNESCO Lifelong Education Research Institute, and Raúl Valdés-Cotera, Vice Director of UNESCO Lifelong Education Research Institute and Jordan Naidoo, Vice Director of UNESCO Education Planning Institute, compared notes and reached common understandings in terms of teacher education and research cooperation. It was also attended by SHNU Vice President Jiang Mingjun, and representatives from SHNU Division of International Affairs and Lifelong Education Policy Research Institute of China Ministry of Education.
Yuan briefed on the process of development of SHNU education concepts and achievements made in developing teacher education theories, as well as the roles played by SHNU in contributing to the optimal qualities of teacher education in Shanghai, Yangtze Region or even China.
Discussions were carried out among the researchers and scholars from Lifelong Education Policy Research Institute in terms of Teacher as Lifelong Learners, International Research, Policies and Practices of Lifelong Learning, and New Generation of Adult Learning and Education.