The 78th Generation of Confucius Descendant Founds Scholarship in SHNU

18 May 2010

    SHNU:On May 15th, Kong Weizhong, the 78th generation of Confucius’ descendant, donated 2.5 million RMB at the Seminar of Characteristics and Essence of Confucianism in Pre-Qin Dynasty held in SHNU. As part of the donated funds, 1 million RMB shall be earmarked to found SHNU Weizhong Scholarship for Teachers and Students of International Confucius College.
    At the ceremony, Mr. Kong was conferred certificates to be employed as consul of International Confucius Research Foundation and vice director of SHNU International Confucius Institute. Zhao Yiwu, another consul of the foundation, also donated 1 million RMB to SHNU.
   The seminar aimed at promoting the research and exchanges of Confucian thoughts and carrying forward traditional Chinese culture.;[L]Skins/xinwen1/xinwen1