8th Academic Conference of Economy and Management Disciplines Held in SHNU

14 Dec 2010

Sponsored by SHNU College of Finance and Shanghai Social Sciences Association (SSSA), the 2010 8th Academic Conference of Economy and Management Disciplines was held in SHNU on December 10th.
SHNU:A renowned professor from Peking University reported on the market logic and Chinese reforms, as well as issues concerning the unequal distribution of income in China.
The gist of the conference is Transform, Fair, and Develop, and 3 sub-conferences, together with a conference of youth special, were held with themes of Post-crisis Age: Study of Shanghai Finance and Trade Center, Study of Shanghai Economic Development, and Equality and Efficiency: Study of Transformation Issues of Modes of Economic Development in China.
In all, 330 papers have been submitted, and 87 stood out, involving about 250 scholars from various departments of government, universities and research institutes.