SHNU Campus Job Fair Unparalleled with 10, 000 Vacancies from 600 Employers

19 Nov 2010

SHNU: On Nov. 17th, the 2011 SHNU Campus Job Fair was held on Xuhui Campus, involving more than 600 employers providing over 10, 000 jobs. Among them, 250 were in the field of education, and 370 enterprises, ranging from communications, biology, architecture, finance, accounting, and tourism, etc.
About 6,000 SHNU graduates attended the fair, and over 20 news agencies arrived for interviews.
This job fair features in the following spheres:
  •         Marked increase of employers and vacancies and job vantages.
  •         Tendency of employing kindergarten and primary school teachers
  •         Group employment patterns
  •         Career directions according to personalities, and care for the job prospects of expo volunteers