Zero breakthrough Fulfilled in National-level Top-Quality Courses of Our University

17 Dec 2007

SHNU, Dec. 13: Our university has made a breakthrough in national-level top-quality courses: the course series of Comparative Literature and History of Foreign Literature was approved by the Ministry of Education as 2007 National-level Top-quality Courses.
    Sun Jingyao and Zheng Kelu, two professors of College of Humanity and Communication, were responsible for this serial courses. They edited the textbooks that had won many prizes and set up the first academic website on comparative literature. 
    In resent years, our university has tried hard to improve teaching and invested a lot of funds into the disciplinary building. The acquisition of national-level quality courses this time is the joint efforts of the College of Humanity and Communication and Department of Student Affairs. It will provide excellent teaching resources to undergraduate students and play a leading role in the development of teaching programs.