14 External Experts Take Part in the Assessment of SHNU Teaching Achievement Prize


SHNU: On May 31, 14 experts from Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, East China Normal University, etc. gathered in SHNU and conducted a careful evaluation of the programs that were applied for the teaching achievement prize in 2008.
    After they learned the relevant information of the programs, experts carefully examined the application materials that covered various subjects of SHNU and formed preliminary opinions, which would be put on the campus network for public summons after it was approved by the SHNU President’s Administrative Meeting.
    SHNU has attached great importance to the assessment of the teaching achievement prize for two reasons. For one thing, the assessment will play a positive role in promoting the teaching quality of undergraduate students of SHNU; for the other, it will pave the way for the application for the teaching achievement prize on the municipal and national levels.

                                                                                                                                                                   (Trans. by Jessica)