University of Southern California Revisits SHNU and Talks with College of Education

04 Mar 2008

           On February 29th, a delegation of four led by Karen Symms Gallagher from Rossier College of Education, the University of Southern California, paid a visit to SHNU again and consulted on the details of cooperation of specific projects with the SHNU College of Education.
            Lu Jianfei, vice president of SHNU, extended sincere welcome to the visiting group, and showed his earnest hope for more specific cooperation of both parties. Chen Yongming, head of the Education College, detailed on the unique edges and development prospect of his college in teacher education, and analyzed the feasibility of cooperation. Both parties talked about the aspects of education exchange visits, scientific cooperation, teacher and student exchanges, the training of teachers and university presidents, degree curricula cooperation, etc. Besides, preliminary cooperation items were decided on.
(By Rebecca)