First integrals and Darboux polynomials of natural polynomial Hamiltonian systems

30 Oct 2019

Speaker: Jaume Llibre, professor from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Ti First integrals and Darboux polynomials of natural polynomial Hamiltonian systems

me: 9 a.m., October 31st, 2019

Place: Room 332, NO. 3 Building

Sponsor: SHNU College of Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering


Content: In this talk we study some aspects of the relationship between the existence of Darboux polynomials and additional polynomial first integrals in naturalpolynomial Hamiltonian systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. More precisely, first we improve results of the paper of A.J. Maciejewski and M.Przybylska, Darboux polynomials and first integrals of natural polynomial Hamiltonian systems, Phys. Lett. A 326 (2004), 219-226; and after we answer four open questions presented in that paper.