A Delegation of Urban Comparative Study Institute of Erasmus Universitiet Rotterdam visits SHNU

14 May 2013

SHNU: On May 8th, a delegation of four led by Leo van den Berg, a world-famous expert at Urban Research and the director of the Urban Comparative Study Institute of Erasmus Universitiet Rotterdam, visited SHNU. SHNU president Zhang Minxuan and the leader of SHNU International office, together with the related leaders and teachers of the school of tourism, received the Holland visitors.
Zhang Minxuan gave a detailed introduction to the Holland experts about the general trend of the development of Shanghai, the progress of the “085” quality education project, and the basic concept of the Urban Research Institute of SHNU to be established soon. Professor Leo van den Berg indicated that Holland Rotterdam University would spare no effort to support the construction of the research institute of urban development of SHNU
The Holland delegation’s chief purpose of the visit is to discuss the urban energy research of the Middle Europe with the research team of SHNU’s School of Tourism.
Erasmus Universitiet Rotterdam, founded in 1913, is a world-famous public university, and also a first-class research-oriented university around the world. In 2006, Erasmus Universitiet Rotterdam and SHNU established the Research Institute of Comparison of Europe Cities, which is one of the 25 cooperation projects launched between the two sister cities, Rotterdam and Shanghai.
(Translated by Yu Bing)