SHNU Meets with University of West Florida Officials

28 Apr 2011

Pictured left to right: Director He Yunfeng (SHNU), Director Bai Yimin (SHNU), Associate Vice-President Dr. Angela MoCorvey (UWF), Coordinator (Fred) Wang Zhenghai (SHNU), and Co-Director Dr. Kuiyuan Li (UWF)

SHNU Directors Bai Yimin and He Yunfeng, along with Coordinator Wang Zhenghai (Fred) and three officials from the China Support Group (CSG), met with UWF's Associate Vice-President Angela McCorvey and Dr. Kuiyuan Li (Co-Director of the Florida-China Linkage Institute) earlier this month.

The meeting agenda covered student and teacher exchange programs, possible cultural exchanges, and the China Support Group's Quest for Cultural Understanding program.

Considerable progress was reported by the parties who look forward to broadening their areas of cooperation. As Dr. Li was in town for the weekend, he and his wife Sue were able to attend a lunch at the Crazy Horse Café hosted by CSG. Dr. Li also attended the farewell dinner.

During both events, Dr. Li was able to meet President Li Jin and get better acquainted with him and the other delegation officials. Dr. Li has also provided valuable assistance to CSG's Quest for Cultural Understanding program which will be introduced in a number of forward-thinking area schools.

(Reported by Mick Donovan)