SHNU Meets with China Support Group to Discuss Quest for Cultural Understanding Program

28 Apr 2011

Pictured left to right: Mike Bosarge (CSG), President Li Jin (SHNU), Mick Donovan (CSG), Coordinator (Fred) Wang Zhenghai (SHNU), Joe Hemmer (CSG), and Director Bai Yimin (SHNU)

On April 9, 2011, SHNU held its first face-to-face meeting with the China Support Group (CSG) since the Group's formation in 2009. A group of like-minded individuals, CSG believes it can contribute to world harmony by promoting Sino-American cooperation in meritorious projects. The meeting's focus was on CSG's recently unveiled Quest for Cultural Understanding program.

Under the program, CSG will use new media to acquaint large numbers of American schoolchildren with Chinese culture. Participating American schools would have Chinese sister schools, and each American student would have a Chinese e-pal to work with on homework assignments.

A number of Pensacola-area schools are being considered as foundation schools to introduce the program. With discussions underway, announcements may soon be forthcoming.

(Reported by Mick Donovan)