Italian Curator Sergio Fintoni Speaks at SHNU Masters' Forum

24 May 2017

SHNU: On May 17th, Sergio Fintoni, curator and member of Director of Boards of Italian famous fashion design college Ent Art Polimoda, spoke at SHNU Xuesihu Overseas Masters’ Forum on invitation of SHNU College of Fine Arts. Fintoni delivered the speech on De Chirico and Morandi in the Light of Italian modern arts, and was conferred nameplate of Xuesihu Overseas Masters from Vice Dean of SHNU College of Fine Arts.
The speaker analyzed the rich arts works of both artists and how they brought realities into creations. He also mentioned the unique features of Morandi arts and his outstanding strengths in discovering details.
The speech not only helped the audiences understand more about the arts career of Morandi, but also acted as an important experience of taking arts into real life.