On the Application for the 2012 China Overseas Study Scholarship

05 Dec 2011

The application work for the 2012 China Overseas Study Scholarship has now started. Those who are interested please log on to www.csc.edu.cn for the Application Guide of 2010 China Overseas Study Scholarship (Guide).  Please note the following:

1. Time Node:
December 1 - December 20, 2011
All the application forms are to be e-mailed to yingc@shnu.edu.cn. with a copy printed out to be turned in to the teachers’ office of the Department of Human Resources (the Office). The signature of the administrator of the college is required.

March 1 – March 9, 2012
Other materials, in accordance with the requirements in the Guide, should be signed and sealed by the college administrator and handed in to the Office.  Recommendation Form should be in two copies, one completed and the other blank.

March 12 – March 17, 2012
Application materials examined, verified, and sent to the office of China Scholarship Council.

April – July, 2012
China Scholarship Council accreditates and releases the result.

2. Changes made in the Present Policies of China Overseas Study Scholarship:

(1) Matriculates of the applicants belonging to projects of government-sponsored senior research fellows and visiting scholars (including postdoctoral research) will take a one- year overseas study (until December 31, 2013). Those who fail, their application becomes invalid automatically.

(2) From year 2013, applicants for projects of government-sponsored senior research fellows and visiting scholars (including postdoctoral research) must reach a certain level of foreign language proficiency as designated by the government..

Please contact the teachers’ office of the Department of Human Resources for further information.
Contact Person: Cai Ying    
Tel: 086-21-64323993    
E-mail: yingc@shnu.edu.cn
Materials handed in to Room 401, Executive Building (Xuhui Campus), SHNU

Department of Human Resources
December 1, 2011

(Translated by Feng Yunyun)