Notice of Applying for German Chancellor Scholarship Program (GCSP)

13 Jun 2011

The GCSP, funded by Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, offers a high-end subsidy program for outstanding youth talents.
The beneficiaries would take the opportunity to study in Germany for one year, with their respective choices of universities or institutions.
With no limitations in specialty (though more preferable are humanities, laws, sociology, and economics, etc), the winners would have to gain at least a bachelor’s degree, and have management experience in enterprises, administrative departments, international institutions, or universities.
The program lasts from September 1st, 2010 to August 31st, 2013.
The non-German speakers would be trained for language improvement from May 2012 to August of the same year.
Each would be funded Euro 2,150 to 2,750 monthly, and, possibly, subsidies for the spouse and children.
Those who are interested should deliver the application to SHNU Department of Human Resources.
Deadline for online application is June 30th.
Tel: 0086-21-64323993