Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Procedures 2011

12 May 2011

 In order to promote the sustainable development of Confucius Institute and international Chinese education, Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as Hanban) launches the “Confucius Institute Scholarship” program to encourage students, scholars and Chinese language teachers worldwide to study Chinese language and culture in China, or proceed to a Master’s degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL).

 I. Scholarship Category
According to different types of programs, the Scholarship is divided into 3 categories, namely, Scholarships for Four-Week Study, Scholarships for One-Academic Year Study and Scholarships for a Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens aged from 16 to 35 and in good health.

 Scholarships for Four-Week Study are provided to outstanding students of Confucius Institutes worldwide or those who are qualified in accordance to the specific agreements of Hanban. Duration for the scholarship is 4 weeks. Applicants are required to have completed their study at a Confucius Institute for more than 30 hours and have participated in the new Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) and have no study experience in China in the past 12 months. Applicants can choose to complete the study in the summer term (from July to August) or the winter term (from December to the coming January) in the institutions arranged by Hanban. The goal of the study is to improve their Chinese language proficiency and skills by participating in classroom learning and cultural activities.

 Scholarships for One-Academic Year Study are provided to the following group of candidates:
1. Outstanding students of Confucius Institutes worldwide;
2. Students who have won the preliminary rounds of the regional Chinese Bridge— Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students;
3. Outstanding college students of Chinese Language outside China or those who are determined to embark on Chinese language teaching worlwide.

 Applicants are required to have completed 60 hours of study at a Confucius Institute or earned a new HSK level 2 score of at least 120. They are allowed to choose 2 host schools which offer several specific areas of study, including Chinese language and literature, education and Chinese history.  The goal of the study is to improve their Chinese language proficiency and skills by engaging them in systematic study to achieve a new HSK level 5 score of at least 180.

 Scholarships for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages are provided to outstanding students from Confucius Institutes worldwide, students who have won the regional preliminary rounds of the Chinese Bridge— Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students, Chinese language teachers worldwide, outstanding college graduate students of Chinese Language worldwide or those qualified to the specific agreements of Hanban. The scholarship is valid for two academic years. Applicants are required to have a bachelor degrees or its equivalent with a new HSK level 5 score of at least 180 and make a written commitment to be fully engaged in the teaching of Chinese for at least 5 years after graduation. They are allowed to choose 2 host schools. They will obtain a Master’s degree in MTCSOL and an international Chinese language teacher certificate issued by Hanban upon successful completion of the study.

 II. Scholarship Coverage and Criteria
Scholarship holders are exempt from registration fees, tuition, fees for basic learning materials, accommodation on campus, and are provided with a one-off resettlement subsidy, monthly allowance, outpatient medical service and comprehensive insurance for foreign students studying in China. Monthly allowances are at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month): a. CNY 1,400 for a one-academic-year study, and b. CNY 1,700 for Master’s Degree Students. The one-off resettlement subsidy is CNY 1,500 for students who will study in China for one academic year or more.

III. Application and Evaluation
1. From the issue date of the application procedures, applicants can log on to the Confucius Institute Scholarship website at, set up an individual account, complete the Confucius Institute Scholarship Application form online, print out the form and sign it; submit the form to one of the recommended institutes along with other application materials (see Application Document).

  2. Applicants will be selected and recommend to the host institutes by the following institutes :
  1) Confucius Institutes
  2) Related colleges and universities in countries with no Confucius Institutes established
  3) Education and cultural offices (sections) of Chinese embassies (consulates) worldwide;
  4) Host institutes for Master’s Degree in MTCSOL

 The recommended institutes are required to send by May 31st the application materials for the Scholarships for Four-Week Study to Hanban, and other application materials to host institutes chosen by the applicants.

 3. Evaluations for admission will be made by June 10th by the host institutes and the results will be submitted to Hanban along with copies of the applications. Hanban will organize an expert panel to make the final selection by June 20th. Applicants may check the application process and their results any time by contacting the recommended institutes or by browsing the Confucius Institute Scholarship website. The the recommended institutes will send the applicants by July 10th “Admission Notice”, “Enrollment Instructions”, “Visa Application Form for Foreigners to Study in China" (JW202 Form) and other related materials provided by the host institute.

IV. Application Documents
  Applicants must submit their documents according to the following instructions (all in duplicate):
1. Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form;
2. Photocopy of passport and photos for the passport;
3. Application statement: indicating the applicant's Chinese learning background and study plan in China. Word limit for the statement is as follows:
1)  For the Four-Week Study Scholarship applicants: no less than 200 words
2) For the One-Academic-Year Study Scholarship applicants:no less than 800 words
3) For the Master’s Degree Scholarship applicants: no less than 1,500 words
4. A copy of the new HSK result report (for those who have not been given a result report, the admission ticket number and other Chinese proficiency certificates are required, but must submit the new HSK result report on enrollment);
5. Diploma and transcripts. Applicants for One-Academic-Year or Master’s Degree Scholarship should submit notarized diplomas; and the latter are also required to submit transcripts of academic record issued by their schools;
 6. Recommendation letter. The Master’s Degree Scholarship applicants are required to submit two letters of recommendation by professors or associate professors (in Chinese or English);
7. Applications under the age of 18 should submit letters of approval and provide the emergency contact number of their custodians in China;
8. Written commitment (for the Master’s Degree Scholarship applicants) stating fully engaged in Chinese teaching for at least 5 years after graduation (print and sign in Chinese).
9. Copies of the award certificates of Chinese Bridge—Chinese Proficiency Competition or related certifications issued by the organizer.

 V. Approval and Annual Appraisal
1. The scholarship winners must register at the host institutes before the deadline set by the institutes and will not be kept for those who do not register on time;
2. Scholarships will be cancelled for those who do not pass the medical check;
3. Scholarship winners with more than one year's duration will have an annual appraisal according to the “Appraisal Procedures for Confucius Institute Scholarship” and only those who have kept good academic records are entitled to receive successive scholarships.

VI. Contact
Shanghai Normal University:
No.100 Guilin Rd. Shanghai, Students Office of SHNU International Exchange Division
Phone: 86-21-64323905 
Fax: 86-21-64321082 

Division of Chinese Testing and Scholarship 
Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters
Address: 129, Deshengmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100088. 

International Exchange Division
May 10, 2011