Confucius Institute (Classroom) Volunteer Recruitment

01 Nov 2010

To improve the education quality of Confucius Institute (Classroom), the university is now going to select volunteers for Confucius Institute. The details are as follows:

Requirements for the Applicants:
1.  In-service teachers, graduate students or graduating seniors of SHNU. Priority goes to those having teaching experience and mastered the language of the target nation, and also to those outstanding student leaders;
2. Highly self-disciplined with teamwork spirit and no criminal record;
3. Physically healthy with good psychological quality and adaptability;
4. Skillful at cross-cultural communication and holding the expertise in didactics and Chinese language teaching, etc.
5. Age ranging from 22 to 60;
6. Language competence:  Grade A, Level 2 or higher of PSC; CET Band 4 or above.

Proceeding and Recruitment:
1. Fill out relevant forms and e-mail to;
2. Submit a written application together with all the relevant forms to Room 811 of International Exchange Division.
3. Interviews and psychological tests will be held by the Office of Chinese Language Council.
4. Training is expected to begin in late December, 2010. Each batch of training is to last about 2 months. An overall assessment will be organized by the Office of Chinese Language Council at the end of the training.

The Office of Chinese Language Council determines the final list of the volunteers concerning the vacancy of the posts and the results of the tests.

Stipend and Compensation:
The Office of Chinese Language Council provides 1) $800-1000 per month for each volunteer as living allowance; 2) a one-time settlement allowance of $1,000; 3) round-trip international travel expense and personal accident insurance.
The guest institute will offered accommodation and certain medical insurance..
For more details, please contact You Yang at the International Exchange Division.
Tel: 86-021-64328849

                    International Exchange Division
                           October 28, 2010

( Trans. by Wang Yiyi )