Sino-foreign Student Exchange Programs (No.4, 2010)

14 Apr 2010

    SHNU: In order to improve SHNU students’ cross-cultural communicative ability as well as foreign language ability, the university now offers opportunities of studying abroad:

    There are altogether 8 foreign universities that SHNU students can apply to, :
    The University of Utah (
     California State University, Northridge (
    Ramapo College of New Jersey (
    University of Botswana (
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg 
    The University of Haifa (
    Kyung Hee University (
    Sang Myung University ( 

    Those who are interested please learn more details of requirements by counseling Ms. Cai in the International Exchange Division.
    Tel: 86-021-64322493
   The deadline for application for the former 4 universities is April 15, and for the latter 4, May 10. 

                    International Exchange Division
                           April 2, 2010