On Scouting 2009 Pillar of Strength from University Students in China

13 Jan 2010

      SHNU shall stage a preliminary winnowing of strong-willed students within the university for 2009 China Pillar of Strength Prize for University Students.
      Sponsors: China Youth League, National Association of Chinese Students
Online Support: Tencent (
http://www.qq.com/), and www.chinaumu.org/ .
      Those who would rival for the prize shall stand out in undaunted deeds and determination to ride through difficulties in, research work and daily life.
      Moreover, the candidate has to be reported by SHNU editorial, campus website and other SHNU media.
      Those who have contended in prizes of its kind in the past are excluded this time.
      Scouting Period: January 13 to 17, 2010-1-18
      Delivery Deadline of Information: 10 a.m., January 18, 2010
      Contact: 021-64322637 for Chen Xiaohong
                                                                                              SHNU Youth League(Editted by Rebecca)