Name List of Winners of Scholarship for Students from Hang Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese ...

26 Nov 2009

    In accordance with the document issued by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, 9 students from Hang Kong, Macao, Taiwan as well as overseas Chinese students in SHNU were awarded the scholarship specially designated for these groups of students. The name lists are as follows:
Under-graduates from Taiwan :
 Name                                              College                                      Scholarship Category
 Hong Jiajun               Xie Jin Film and Television Art College                First
 Zheng Xuwen           Business College                                                    Second
 Lin Weixuan             College of Fine Arts                                               Second
 Wu Shixin                 College of Humanities and Communications         Third
 Niu Yunting              Business College                                                   Third
 Cai Xiaofan              Business College                                                    Third
 Chen Yiping             Business College                                                    Third

Hang Kong, Macao and overseas Chinese students:
 Name                                              College                                              Scholarship Category
 Cai Hongchang (Macao)     College of Humanities and Communications         Third
 Lou Lisha(Hang Kong)        College of Humanities and Communications        Third
    Please contact the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of SHNU before November 26 if any clarification is needed.
    Tel: 086-21- 64324286
    Contact Peron: Ni Mingxiang
Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs
 November 24, 2009
(Edited by Jessica)