On Applying for the 2010 SHNU Research Projects of Liberal Arts

10 Sep 2009

To SHNU colleges and departments:
    The application work for the 2010 SHNU Research Projects of Liberal Arts has now initiated,
colleges of liberal arts should organize relevant work according to the application
requirements listed as follows:
1. For original and forward-looking project: the project aims at winning awards at the
municipal level, ministerial level or state level. The time duration is two years from
March, 2010 to April, 2012. The project will be funded ¥40,000.
2. For general project: (Special project of Marxist Theory included) the project aims at
sponsoring fundamental researches or applied researches related to the disciplinary
construction and development. The time duration is two years from March, 2010 to April,
2012. The project will be funded ¥10,000 to ¥15,000. 
    Particularly, the special project of Marxist Theory is not restricted by age or
professional title. The time duration is from March, 2010 to April, 2011. The project will
be funded ¥5,000.
3. Applicants can only apply for one category of the projects within a year. Those who
haven’t finished their former researches of university levels are excluded for the time
4. More information about the application and requirements can be found at the website of
Department of Social Sciences (http://shkch.shnu.edu.cn/).
5. Relevant colleges and departments should collect all the application forms and show
their seal of approval before submitting the forms to the Department of Social Sciences
before October 12, 2009.
    Contact person: Gong Lei
    Tel: 086-21-6432-2433
Department of Social Sciences
September 10, 2009

(Edited by Jessica)