SHNU Teacher Achieves Fundamental Results in the Differential Equations

14 Sep 2024

Recently, the paper Convergence of Solutions of the Porous Medium Equation with Reactions co- authored by Professor Lou Bendong from the School of Mathematics and Physics at Shanghai Normal university has been accepted by the Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS), marking another fundamental research achievement in the field of mathematics. This sixty-three-paged paper investigates the impact of nonlinear diffusion mechanisms on propagation phenomena, overcoming the technical difficulty of invalidating the strong extremum principle, and obtaining fundamental general results. This is the second time that such mathematics discipline has been published in JEMS.

The JEMS journal that published this article is similar to the four top journals in the field of mathematics, with high requirements and long review cycles. The paper review and approval process takes about two years from acceptance to publication. The achievements of these landmark achievements greatly promote the influence of related disciplines both domestically and internationally.