UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning sends a letter of thanks to SHNU

02 Jul 2024

Recently, Ms. Isabelle Kempf, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), sent a thank-you letter to Ms. Yuan Wen, SHNU President, to express sincere gratitude for the professional support and excellent organization provided by Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) for successfully holding the International Research Seminar on Teachers as Lifelong Learners.

Isabelle Kempf affirmed the significance and role of this international conference in his letter, stating that the conference brought together more than 40 important experts from 19 countries and regions. The results of the intensive seminar are very valuable for the scope definition, method path, and output of the entire project; The on-site visits to primary schools, community schools, and community learning centers during the itinerary vividly demonstrated the concept of teachers as lifelong learners.

Isabel Kempf praised our school president Yuan Wen for her exemplary leading role and outstanding leadership, as well as the team collaboration and dedication spirit of the conference organizer and the Lifelong Learning and Development Research Institute of Shanghai Normal University, as well as the meticulous planning and perfect execution of conference work. She said, The successful hosting of this conference is crucial for the collaborative project between UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and Shanghai Normal University.

At the opening ceremony of this international conference, the Lifelong Learning and Development Research Institute of Shanghai Normal University was unveiled and established. In the future, this international seminar will play a role as a think tank to assist in the construction of a high-quality education system that serves lifelong learning for all, and promote the lifelong learning and continuous professional development of teachers in China and abroad.