Visitors from University of Canterbury (UC) Arrives to Promote Cooperation

24 Jun 2024

On the morning of June 17th, President Yuan Wen and Vice President Jiang Mingjun respectively met with visiting delegation from the UC, including Jose Nuttall, Executive Dean of the School of Education at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, Monique van Veen, Deputy Director of International Affairs, Elizabeth Zou, Director of International Cooperation, and the head of the Shanghai Project Coordination Office. Officials from the School of Education and the International Exchange Office attended the meeting.

Yuan Wen stated that Shanghai Normal University (SHNU) looks forward to closer cooperation with the University of Canterbury in advantageous disciplines and cutting-edge fields such as teacher education and STEM education. She expected to implement specific cooperation projects between the two universities in talent cultivation, joint scientific research, and academic exchange.

Dean Nuttall focused on the topics such as teacher collaboration guidance, doctoral thesis review, joint participation and hosting of seminars. At the meeting, both sides also had specific discussions on student exchange programs such as 3+1+1 undergraduate and master's degree programs, and dual master's degree programs.

The University of Canterbury in New Zealand is located in Christchurch, the second largest city in New Zealand. Established by scholars from the University of Cambridge and Oxford in 1873, it is the second oldest comprehensive research university in New Zealand. It has seven departments, including the Department of Literature, Business, Law, Education, Health Science, Engineering, and Science. We maintain cooperative relationships with over 100 universities and research centers worldwide in academic and scientific research, as well as in teacher and student exchanges.