SHNU President Meets with Visitors from Liverpool City Council

12 Jun 2024

On the morning of June 5th, President Yuan Wen met with visiting members of the Liverpool City Government Cabinet, Nick Small Councilor, Joe Yates, Vice President of the Humanities and Social Sciences Department at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) , Ndy Ekere, Vice President of the LJMU Engineering and Technology Department. Also, the visitors from the same university also include Wang Yi, Director of International Relations, Emma Roberts, Vice President of Foreign Affairs at the Humanities and Social Sciences Department, and Robyn Pyne, Vice President of Foreign Affairs at the Engineering and Technology Department.

Yuan Wen welcomes the visitors and introduced such basics about SHNU, including disciplinary advantages, and foreign exchange and cooperation. She stressed that LJMU is among the most important sister schools of SHNU in the UK or even in Europe. Since the establishment of contact in 2016, the two universities have made gratifying achievements in terms of long-term and short-term learning, British students coming to China for summer classes, Sino-British students' joint workshops, etc. She proposes the possibilities in Liverpool to establish an international joint laboratory related to urban planning and intangible cultural heritage protection, so as to enhance the level of external cooperation, and broaden the perspective of international exchanges.

Liverpool is located in the northwest of England and is a historic city as well as a key seaport. Since the establishment of friendly ties between Shanghai and Liverpool in 1999, the two sides have had close cooperation and frequent exchanges in various fields. Whether in urban landscape creation, cultural and educational exchanges, or promoting economic and trade cooperation, they have become a model of intercity collaborations.

Liverpool John Moore University(LJMU) is one of our closest intercollegiate exchange partners. In 2016, the two universities signed a memorandum of cooperation, officially establishing an official cooperation relationship. In December 2017, Liverpool John Moore University China Center was officially unveiled and established at our school. Since then, bilateral cooperation has involved summer schools and exchange students program.