SHNU Held a Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Future Education

05 Jun 2024

On June 2nd, the Artificial Intelligence and Future Education: Education Reform Based on AIGC conference, jointly organized by the Intelligent Education Technology Committee of the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society and our SHNU, opened at the conference center. (The) SHNU Vice Principal Li Ye; Professor Zhou Aoying, Dean of the Intelligence+ Research Institute at East China Normal University; Professor Liu San, Vice President of Fujian Normal University; Professor Zhang Bo, Vice President of Shanghai Electric Power University; Professor Wu Fati, Dean of the School of Education Technology at Beijing Normal University, as well as representatives of industry authorities and academic elites  attended this meeting to jointly explore Generative Artificial Intelligence (artificial intelligence generated content short for AIGC).

The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Fan Guorui, Dean of the Department of Education, Shanghai Normal University. Professor Fan emphasized the profound impact of artificial intelligence technology on the education field and looked forward to the application prospects of AIGC technology in future education. At the same time, he introduced the theme of this conference (was introduced), which revolves around the development trends of artificial intelligence technology to empower teaching and learning, educational applications, and the educational innovation and challenges brought by current AIGC technology.

Professor Huang Haitao from the School of Education of our university and Professor Jin Hui from Shanghai Foreign Studies University presided over the (special) invited speeches at the conference. Professor Zhou Aoying, Dean of the Intelligence+ Research Institute at East China Normal University, delved into the profound impact of the artificial intelligence revolution on education in his keynote speech “How to Transform Our Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”. Professor Zhou emphasized how our understanding of science and data has been redefined since AlphaGo and ChatGPT. He pointed out that digital transformation, also known as digitalization, is data-driven artificial intelligence, marking a significant shift in technology from science leading technology to technology forcing science. The conference received support from East China Normal University Press, highlighting the important role of cross-disciplinary cooperation in driving educational technology advancements.