2nd Conference of Shanghai Yangtze River Delta Urban Wetland Ecosystem Held at SHNU

14 May 2024

On the morning of May 7th, the second academic conference of the Shanghai Yangtze River Delta Urban Wetland Ecosystem National Field Science Observation and Research Station was held at SHNU. Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Honorary Director of the Academic Committee, as well as 13 experts from the Ecological Environment Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture and Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Northwest Institute of Ecological Environment and Resources of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Agriculture and Biology of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Geography of East China Normal University. More than 40 teachers and students attended the meeting, including Yuan Wen, President of Shanghai Normal University, Li Ye, vice SHNU President and others.

The opening ceremony of the meeting was presided over by Li Hui, Director of Science and Technology Division of SHNU. Vice Director Wang Ruidan of the National Platform Center for Science and Technology Infrastructure of the Ministry of Science and Technology first gave a speech, expressing warm congratulations on the convening of the Academic Committee. He said in recent years, the National Field Station has actively carried out scientific observation and research in the Ecological Green and Interconnected Development Demonstration Zone of the Yangtze River Delta, striving to serve the construction of ecological civilization in the area. It is hoped that the National Field Station will continue to work hard and further join the action of networked observation in the Yangtze River Basin, making more contributions to the integration and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta.

President Yuan Wen expressed in her speech her gratitude to all the experts for their long-term care and guidance to our school's National Field Station. The National Field Station is the first and only national-level platform for science and technology in Shanghai Normal University's science and engineering. Since its establishment in 2021, with the help of academicians and experts, and the hard work of all colleagues at the National Field Station, it has taken a good first step in the Long March, but there is still a long way to go. It is hoped that all experts and scholars can continue to support and guide it. The school will also continue to support the construction of the National Field Station and strive to make it better.

At the end of the meeting, President Yuan Wen and Vice President Li Ye responded to the suggestions from the experts. Li Ye pointed out that the National Field Station can actively promote the development of interdisciplinary integration in schools, and is also an important development platform for interdisciplinary integration. It organically connects multiple disciplines such as environment, geography, biology, ecology, etc., and contributes to the integrated and efficient development of the Yangtze River Delta; Yuan Wen pointed out that after the meeting, the school will also organize special seminars to further implement the opinions and suggestions of experts. More efforts would be made to contribute to the construction and development of ecological civilization in the Yangtze River Delta.