SHNU Selected as a Paradigm for National Mental Health Education Program

29 Apr 2024

On March 29th, the General Office of the China Ministry of Education announced the list of comprehensive reform and high-quality construction projects for improving the quality of ideological and political work of higher education in 2024. SHNU's “Dynamic System of ‘1+X’ to Safeguard Students in Difficult Situations” has been selected as a typical case for university student mental health education guidance in 2024, becoming one of the three universities selected in Shanghai.

 The typical case of “Dynamic System of ‘1+X’ to Safeguard Students in Difficult Situations” includes a multi-party negotiation strategy based on block-chain technology for helping people, as well as a dynamic assessment form for psychological crises of crisis-prone students. “1“ refers to students with unstable conditions, frequent crises, and difficulties in assistance, while “X“ refers to a support system that accompanies the healthy growth of “1“.  This system can be large or small, and is dynamically adjusted according to the situation and needs of students. It requires multiple helping chain systems to work together.

Under the full attention and strong support of university leaders, the SHNU Psychological Counseling and Development Center is committed to improving the multi-departmental linkage and collaborative education mechanism among schools, families, healthcare, and society.