SHNU Sponsors Training Class on Digital Literacy for Teachers

16 Apr 2024

In order to promote the deep integration of digital technology and education research, and improve the digital literacy of teachers, the SHNU Human Resources Department, in conjunction with the SHNU School of Information, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, successfully held the Teacher's Full Life Cycle Growth Assistance Project and Teacher Digital Literacy Special Training Camp - Based on AIGC for Teacher Digital Literacy and Competency Enhancement. It attracted nearly 30 young teachers from over ten SHNU colleges, schools and departments to actively participate. The SHNU President Yuan Wen attended the event and delivered a speech.

This training program involves a variety of activities--from special lectures to practical training courses, experiential training, project workshops, etc. Through these means, young teachers not only develop a better understanding of the theoretical foundation and development trends of artificial intelligence, but also have a firsthand experience of its practical application and charm in education and research.

The practical training courses upgrade the SHNU teachers digital intelligence and literacy, while strengthening educational reforms and technological innovations.