SHNU Team Achieved New Breakthroughs at Plant Anthocyanin Synthesis

11 Apr 2024

On April 1st, the team led by Huang Jirong from the SHNU School of Life Sciences published a research paper titled Interaction of ubiquitin like protein SDE2 with LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN Protein 1 (LHP1) is required for regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to crossing at NewPhytologist, revealing a new epigenetic regulatory mechanism for plant anthocyanin synthesis.

This paper utilizes genetic and molecular biology methods to discover that SDE2 is cleaved by unknown factors in vivo, resulting in two parts: N-terminal SDE2-UBL and C-terminal SDE2-C. The fluorescence fusion protein results indicate that SDE2-UBL is located in the cytoplasm, while SDE2-C and full-length SDE2 are located in the nucleus. Overexpression of SDE2-C can completely complement the phenotype of the sde2 mutant, indicating that SDE2 relies on SDE2-C to function within the nucleus.

Zhang Zhyi, a doctoral degree candidate student of SHNU is the first author of the paper, and Professor Huang is the corresponding author. The research is sponsored by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Sciences and National Strategic Basic Research Plan. The paper can be reached by clicking .