Comparative Literature and World Literature of SHNU Rank among State-level Key Disciplines


SHNU, Sept. 21: According to Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Comparative Literature and World Literature have been selected as two state-level key disciplinary areas, the first time for our university to enter the “national team”. This owes much to the great efforts we have devoted to disciplinary building for many years.

    This time, one Grade A discipline and 12 Grade B disciplines in 7 universities in Shanghai have been approved by Ministry of Education as state-level key disciplinary areas. Comparative Literature and World Literature, two disciplines in the College of Humanities and Communication of our university, have been listed as Grade B state-level key disciplinary areas.

    Reinforcing the development of national key disciplinary areas is of great significance. It can help to promote educational quality and innovative capabilities. Furthermore, it is beneficial to building research-oriented universities and revitalizing our country through higher education. At present, in line with the related documents issued by the Ministry of Education, our university is making plans for building and developing state-level key disciplinary areas for the years 2007-2010.