40 Odd French Students Initiate Study in SHNU Signaling Sino-French Cooperation in Smooth Progress


        September 17 saw the school opening ceremony held in the College of Finance for 07-08 academic year international students. 44 French students from Université de Paris-Sud-Paris 11, Université Blaise Pascal, INSEEC and HEC attended the ceremony. Also present at the ceremony were Vice President Lu Jianfei and heads of the International Affairs Department and the College of Finance.
        These students shall study here for either a year or semester, and the courses offered by the College of Finance include Chinese Law and Legal Systems, Outlines of Foreign Investment Regulations and Practice in China, Chinese Commercial Law, China’s Bank Reform and Monetary Policy, China’s Trade and Investment, China’s Foreign Trade Relations, as well as courses of Chinese History and Chinese Culture. In the second semester, foreign students will be provided with internship opportunities, guidance for thesis writing and thesis debate.
       These students shall study here for either a year or semester, and the courses offered by the College of Finance include Chinese Law and Legal Systems, Outlines of Foreign Investment Regulations and Practice in China, Chinese Commercial Law, China’s Bank Reform and Monetary Policy, China’s Trade and Investment, China’s Foreign Trade Relations, as well as courses of Chinese History and Chinese Culture. In the second semester, foreign students will be provided with internship opportunities, guidance for thesis writing and thesis debate.
       For the recent 5 years, the College of Finance has accepted nearly 300 long-term French students. Besides, it has established a sound mechanism and mode of exchange as regards education and teaching with universities in France.